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Welcome To Your Health and Wellness ~ February, 2019

By on Feb 1, 2019

Welcome To Your Health and Wellness ~ February, 2019

Welcome to your health & wellness
Expertise ~ Support ~ Results

Welcome back to your health & wellness digest, and a brand new year of 2019. We hope you had a relaxing, healthy and love-filled holiday season. We’re well-rested and back on deck to help you attain, regain or maintain your optimum health & wellness this year.

Please feel free to share these newsletters with your friends, family and colleagues, and help them gain further insight to their health & wellness, too.

This month, we’ll be talking about hormones, especially the tests we can perform to see if your hormones are behaving as they should. To help you find your hormonal balance, and save your bank account from its own unbalance after Christmas, we’re offering a 20% discount off these tests*. *T’s and C’s Apply.

We hope the information below will give you a much wealthier insight to the services All About Health and Wellness can offer to aid you in achieving your best self through great health by natural means, as well as some helpful information about hormones and how to achieve balance.

With a better insight comes better judgement when choosing the right foods and supplements to feed your body to keep you healthy and well.

We look forward to seeing you soon,

John, Paddy, Donna, Pauline, Ali, and Kate.


Comprehensive Hormone Testing

Check out the comprehensive hormonal testing we offer 

You may be suffering from hormonal problems – they’re more common than you think.

Conditions such as hirsutism (excessive body hair in men and women on parts of the body where hair is normally absent or minimal, such as on the chin, chest, face, or body), poly cystic ovarian syndrome, facial acne, debilitating menopause symptoms, abdominal weight gain, irregular or abnormal menstrual cycles, and infertility are potentially all ‘hormonal issues’.

The good news is, we offer comprehensive hormonal testing using DUTCH test. DUTCH is an acronym for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones.

The great news is, you’ll receive a 20% discount off your test for all test specimens received from now to 29 March 2019 (*T’s and C’s Apply).

*T’s and C’s*
*Test specimens must be received before 29 March 2019 to qualify testing for 20% discount
*Women’s specimens must be collected between days 19 and 21

What does DUTCH testing offer that other testing methods don’t?
DUTCH offers the most extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites. Additionally, the daily (diurnal) pattern of free cortisol is included, along with melatonin (6-OHMS), 8-OHdG, and six organic acids. This unique combination of clinical information is not available by any other method.

How do I collect my specimen?
Patients collect just four or five dried urine samples over a 24-hour period. Dried samples are stable for several weeks making them convenient to ship.

Any more info?
Click here to read more general information, or here to view a sample test report.


Onions Make Babies Cry, Too!

Courtesy of Research Bites

Could artichokes and onions, cabbage and cashews contribute to colic? 
In a proof-of-concept study, researchers have investigated whether consumption of these and other FODMAP-containing foods by breastfeeding mums may trigger colic in their babies.

Eliminating FODMAPs for seven days, mothers tracked changes in babies’ symptoms over the final three days. Compared to baseline, average infant crying duration fell significantly from 142 minutes to 90 minutes daily, and combined ‘crying-fussing” durations fell by 73 minutes.
While lactose was naturally present in the breast milk, it was otherwise free from FODMAPs by the end of the study period. Babies were more content and could be put down without crying.

A low FODMAP diet may be a lifesaver for mothers of colicky babies – perhaps eliminating onions can save everyone some tears!

What is FODMAP?

Developed in 1999 by Melbourne-based dieticians Dr Sue Shepherd and Dr Peter Gibson, FODMAP is an acronym which stands for:

Oligosaccharides (fructans and galactans)
Disaccharides (lactose – sugar found in milk)
Monosaccharides (fructose – sugar found in fruit)
Polyols (sugar alcohols)

People who are more sensitive to FODMAPs than others have difficulty breaking the foods down, leading to digestive problems ranging from abdominal discomfort through to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

What’s a FODMAP diet?
Restricting intake of certain foods, including:

Oligosaccharides, such as garlic, cabbage, broccoli, artichokes, onions, beetroot, leeks, asparagus, brussels sprouts, chickpeas, lentils, red kidney beans, and large amounts of wheat or rye (found in pastas, breads, biscuits, cakes etc.);
Disaccharides, found in dairy products such as most fresh, soft cheeses, milk (cow, goat and sheep’s milk), yoghurt, and ice cream;
Monosaccharides, such as watermelon, apples, mango, fruit juice, dried fruit, honey, and sweeteners such as fructose;
Polyols, such as pears, apples, many stone fruits (like peaches, apricots, cherries and plums), watermelon, mushrooms, cauliflower, and avocado.

That looks like there isn’t much left to eat!
You’d be surprised, there’s actually a lot of choices left, such as:

Veges, such as capsicums, pumpkin, potato, cucumber, carrots, corn, leafy greens, lettuce, and courgettes;
Fruits, including kiwifruit, oranges, berries, bananas, pineapple, passionfruit, tomatoes, mandarins, rhubarb, and grapes;
Wheat-free flours and grains are fine, as is rice, corn, oats, quinoa, and gluten-free products;
Dairy options include hard cheeses, rice milk, almond milk, margarine, and other lactose-free products;
You can also eat most forms of meat, poultry, fish, and seafood as long as they aren’t accompanied by other ingredients such as sauces or marinades that contain FODMAPs.


We are especially interested in dairy or gluten free options that we can share for healthy lunch box options.



Want help to better your hormonal health?

Book your consult with us below – we’d love to help!

book now

Or, call us on 0800 200 299.


SPECIAL – 20% Discount
on Hormonal Testing

From now until 29 March 2019, we are offering a 20% discount on hormonal testing.

Terms and Conditions Apply:
*Specimens must be received by 29 March 2019
*Women’s specimens must be collected between days 19 and 21

Contact us by enquiring online, or call us on 0800 200 299.


As always, if you have questions or would like to find a time to come in to talk to  John, Paddy, Donna, Pauline, Ali, or Kate, you can enquire online or call us on 0800 200 299.

In the meantime, have a great month, and Healthy Regards,

John & Paddy.